Audio-visual installation with 1 video track and 8 sound tracks,
Grundtvigs Pavilion, Rønnebæksholm, Denmark, 2014
The pavilion was built as a working place for the priest, philosopher, poet of hymns, N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872).
The installation describes the creative moment between being asleep and fully awake.It starts with the sound of
yawning coming from the bedroom on the ground floor. Then another yawn is heard in front of the bedroom door, the
third at the bottom of the stairs to the roof terrace.
The yawns move slowly up the stairs, between speakers, until they come to the roof terrace. There they multiply and change pitch to develop a harmony of one of Grundtvig’s best known hymns, “Morgenstund har guld i mund”, or “Morning times gives gold in hand” The sound of an organ appears slowly during the performance of the hymn.
In the middle of the staircase there is a video monitor in upright position with a static image of a baroque church. While the yawns move upwards, the video moves up along the church tower, and ends in the sky above it when the yawns become a hymn on the terrace.
HD video in upright position with 8 sound tracks, 3:33 min. One video monitor and 8 custom built loudspeakers. Looped